Going Tiny

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Minimalism is defined as the philosophy of living with less. Although it can be used in relation to social media use, ‘friend’ connections, diet and even art, minimalists typically focus on reducing their possessions to only what is absolutely necessary.


It can be used to bring about reduced expenses, less waste and less stress – along with more time, more money and more productivity.


One of the biggest (or smallest!) Minimalist commitments is living in a Tiny Home – typically under 400 square feet, and often combined with the advantages of being relocatable.


As with the broader spectrum of Minimalism, this is a massive decrease in your mortgage expenses, your waste production, and your carbon footprint – plus, who doesn’t want less housework?



Look around your house. Most people have seven garbage bags worth of belongings they don’t need. We seem addicted to it. It’s a fact of our culture; marketing and advertising make us want things we don’t need, which leads to a house full of stuff we don’t use. What’s the impact?


Studies have shown that it causes stress, kills your productivity, and even makes it harder to stick to your diet by wearing out your brain so your discipline is weaker.


Want some motivation to finally donate all those clothes you don’t wear, the toys you don’t use, the dusty set of glasses?


A minimalist practice can help you begin to recognise what you don’t need. The more you reduce, the better you’ll feel, and looking back you won’t believe how much you thought you needed.


Be prepared for a massive endorphin rush as you admire your new decluttered space!



Let’s talk about garbage. If you’ve ever been filled with horror after hearing about the bigger-than-Texas island of floating garbage in the Pacific Ocean (and who isn’t?) you should consider minimalist living.


When you have a big empty house, it’s natural that you’ll purchase more than you need to fill the space. Try living in a Tiny House, and suddenly you only buy what you absolutely need – and you will find yourself finding ways to cut down on that too.

Our impact on the environment has been spiralling out of control for decades. We’re killing the planet with our carbon footprint, plastic waste, deforestation, urbanisation, and everything else that follows where humans go about their business. But fear not; by taking steps towards a minimalist lifestyle, you can reduce your impact on the environment from today.



There are huge savings from living a minimal lifestyle or downsizing to a Tiny Home. Mortgage? Rent? Bills? Slashed.


You’ll see huge savings on furniture costs and cleaning upkeep, not to mention the accumulation of savings when every purchase makes you think; ‘where will this go?’


If you want more money to spend on travel, experiences, friends, family, and other things that truly matter, going Tiny might just be the answer.



Healthier and happier. A cleaner and greener world. More wealth and more time.


If you’re the sort of ‘crazy’ person who thinks these things would be nice, you should look into the Tiny life, and take steps towards a minimalist lifestyle today.


If you’re already the master of decluttering, then share your tips and how it’s helped you. Spread the word – it might just save the world!


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